This is my Assignment 2.1 project for my English 111c course in the Spring of 2008. My group chose to animate Winesburg, Ohio through the use of still images and overlaid text from the story.
(from comments of the student who made this VIDEO.)
The Dumb Man There is a story.--I cannot tell it.--I have no words. The story is almost forgotten but sometimes I remember. The story concerns three men in a house in a street. If I could say the words I would sing the story. I would whisper it into the ears of women, of mothers. I would run through the streets saying it over and over. My tongue would be torn loose--it would rattle against my teeth. The three men are in a room in the house. One is young and dandified. He continually laughs. There is a second man who has a long white beard. He is consumed with doubt but occasionally his doubt leaves him and he sleeps. A third man there is who has wicked eyes and who moves nervously about the room rubbing his hands together. The three men are waiting-- waiting. Upstairs in the house there is a woman standing with her back to a wall, in half darkness by a window. That is the foundation of my story and everything I will ever know is distilled in it. I remember that a fourth man came to the house, a white silent man. Everything was as silent as the sea at night. His feet on the stone floor of the room where the three men were made no sound. The man with the wicked eyes became like a boiling liquid--he ran back and forth like a caged animal. The old grey man was infected by his nervousness--he kept pulling at his beard. The fourth man, the white one, went upstairs to the woman. There she was--waiting. How silent the house was--how loudly all the clocks in the neighborhood ticked. The woman upstairs craved love. That must have been the story. She hungered for love with her whole being. She wanted to create in love. When the white silent man came into her presence she sprang forward. Her lips were parted. There was a smile on her lips. The white one said nothing. In his eyes there was no rebuke, no question. His eyes were as impersonal as stars. Down stairs the wicked one whined and ran back and forth like a little lost hungry dog. The grey one tried to follow him about but presently grew tired and lay down on the floor to sleep. He never awoke again. The dandified fellow lay on the floor too. He laughed and played with his tiny black mustache. I have no words to tell what happened in my story. I cannot tell the story. The white silent one may have been Death. The waiting eager woman may have been Life. Both the old grey bearded man and the wicked one puzzle me. I think and think but cannot understand them. Most of the time however I do not think of them at all. I keep thinking about the dandified man who laughed all through my story. If I could understand him I could understand everything. I could run through the world telling a wonderful story. I would no longer be dumb. Why was I not given words? Why am I dumb? I have a wonderful story to tell but know no way to tell it. - End これを映像化している人がいましたよ。 The Dumb Man - Sherwood Anderson
À bout de souffle; literally "at breath's end") is a 1960Frenchdrama film directed by Jean-Luc Godard. Michel (Jean-Paul Belmondo) is a young thug who models himself on the film persona of Humphrey Bogart. After stealing a car in Marseille, Michel shoots a policeman who has followed him onto a country road. Penniless and on the run from the police, he turns to his American girlfriend Patricia (Jean Seberg), a student and aspiring journalist, who sells the New York Herald Tribune on the streets of Paris.
William Saroyan (pronounced /səˈrɔɪən/; 31 August 1908 - 18 May 1981) was an American-Armenian dramatist and author. The setting of many of his stories and plays is the center of Armenian-American life in California in his native Fresno.
お気に入りの映画に「オースティン・パワーズ」があります。 Dr.イーブルもミニミーも大好きですが、一番のお気に入りはシリーズすべてのオープニングでしょう! クィンシー・ジョーンズのナイスな曲『ソウル・ボサ・ノバ』に乗っかって、羽目を外すマイク・マイヤーズにすっかりやられてしまいました。 全3作のうち、我が家で最も受けまくったのがこれ、第2作目「オースティン・パワーズ:デラックス」原題は「Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me」です!
社会民主主義者というのが彼ハワード・ジンの立ち位置かもしれません。 ですが、彼のもう一つの重要な著作「You can’t be neutral on the moving train」のタイトルが示すように、世界が、あるいは社会が動くとき、立ち位置はどちらかに偏るのであって、僕らは完全にニュートラルなどという立場には立てないのかもしれません。 社会が左に傾けば、真ん中は自動的に右になり、社会が右に傾けば、真ん中は自動的に左になる。 従って、もはや政治信条としての右と左というのは、無意味です。 問題はそこにはない。
「米国は平和を希求する。そして平和のために戦う。そして、時に平和は守られなければならない。大きな脅威におびえたままの未来では、平和とは呼べない。もし戦火が避けられないならば、われわれは正義の名の下、正しい方法で戦う。それは、罪のない人々に対する危害をできる限り避けることである。われわれは、米軍の力を結集して戦い、そして勝利する。」 ー G. W.ブッシュ
リード・ギターという概念に決して負けてないリード・ベーシスト。 なにしろこのバンドは、重低音が魅力です。羽目を外しているように見えても、実際はしっかりとした重厚で激しいベースとドラムで創り出される「重低音」こそ、レッチリをレッチリらしく存在させる要素でしょう。この重低音の魅力はやがて「Rage Against the Machine」に引き継がれて行きました。
Charles Mingus, Jr. (April 22, 1922 – January 5, 1979) was an Americanjazzbassist, composer, bandleader, and pianist. He was also known for his activism against racial injustice. Mingus is considered one of the most important composers and performers of jazz, a pioneer in bass technique, and he recorded many highly regarded albums. Dozens of musicians passed through his bands and later went on to impressive careers. Mingus was also influential and creative as a band leader, recruiting talented and sometimes little-known artists whom he assembled into unconventional and revealing configurations.
Jazz Classics: Charles Mingus - Boogie Stop Shuffle Charles Mingus was the undisputed greatest Jazz Bassist of all time. he was a bop player but also played with many artist before and after bop including Duke Ellington and John Coltrane. he is the man responsible for the bass being used for more than just time keeping purposes. he was also a great composer. he died in 1979, but left a legacy behind to make it seem he will never die. enjoy. (by eboyd32)
Down by Law is a 1986black-and-whiteindependent film written and directed by Jim Jarmusch. It stars Tom Waits, John Lurie, and Roberto Benigni. The film centers on the arrest, incarceration, and escape from jail of three men. It discards jailbreak film conventions by focusing on the interaction between the convicts rather than on the mechanics of the escape. A key element in the film is Robby Müller's slow-moving camerawork, which captures the architecture of New Orleans and the Louisianabayou to which the cellmates escape.
“ It's not where you start - It's where you start again.”
テーマ曲は、主演のトム・ウェイツによるJockey Full of Bourbon。冒頭からジム・ジャームッシュの世界観をこの音楽が生み出している、そんな感じです。 僕はモノクロームを愛する人間ですが、この映画もモノクロが生きています。笑いとペーソスの割合と配合が絶妙なんだな。 しがないDJをしていたザック(トム・ウェイツ)は酔っぱらってはめられてニューオリンズの刑務所にぶち込まれる。ヒモでうまいことやっていたジャック(ジョン・ルーリー)はやっぱりはめられて投獄された。大した罪もなく囚われの身となった二人は反発し合いながら、もう一人の刑務所の住人ロベルト(ロベルト・ベニーニ)と出会う。 下手くそな英語でフロストの詩が大好きだと言うロベルトはキョトンとした顔でどこから見ても犯罪者には見えない。だが、この変なイタリア人ロベルトこそ(本格的な?)殺人犯だった。 そんなある日、刑務所からの脱走ルートをロベルトが見つけ、三人は湿地帯を彷徨うことになる。。。。
タイトルのDown By Lawというのは、八十年代ぐらいまでアメリカの刑務所のスラング。 意味は「人はみんな、誰かの親友だ」という意味だそうです。 “DOWN BY LAW・・・originally prison slang, by the mid-80s, it came to mean you were close friends with someone”
これまで9/11について作られてきたアメリカの映画も戯曲(例えばThe Guys)も、自国に対する自己憐憫から一歩も出ていません。 それに対し、ロバート・デ・ニーロの創り出す映画は鋭い。それは確かです。 いちばん最近は、2006年の“ The Good Shepherd “(グッド・シェパード)で、CIAの誕生とそれを支えた人間をリアルに描いています。スパイとして生きることがどういうことなのか深く探求している映画です。
そして、もうひとつ。 1997年の“ Wag the dog “(ワグザドッグ)は、ふざけたコメディーとして当時は受けとめられ、今もあまり語られることがない作品ですが、実は予言的な映画だったのです。 簡単に内容を言えば、大統領のセックス・スキャンダルもみ消しのために、「もみ消しのプロ」デ・ニーロがハリウッドからダスティン・ホフマン演じる映画プロデューサーを呼んで、戦争をでっち上げるというお話し。 90年代初頭の湾岸戦争を念頭おいて作られたようですが、実際はその後のクリントン政権やブッシュ政権での様々な出来事が彷彿とされる作りになっています。
It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance It's the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance It's the one who won't be taken who cannot seem to give and the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live
When the night has been too lonely and the road has been too long and you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snows lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose